Rod Stone
Rod Stone
Rod Stone
Annette Corner "In the moment"
Linda Whitehouse "Milly"
Linda Whitehouse "Momentos"
David Whitehouse "Homeward bound"
Irene Hill "Men at work"
Angie Guy "Pasha"
Angie Guy "Peeku"
Linda Randall "Lockdown Hedgerow"
Stuart Goodchild "Evening from Little Haldon Airfield"
Gill Michael "Akrim Khan"
Gill Michael "Garage"
Rosemary Comerford "Tulips in isolation!!"
Rod Stone "Five tugs"
Rod Stone "Train loaders"
Rod Stone "New York tug"
Stuart Goodchild "Corvids-19" not to be confused with Covid-19!
Corvids - the Crow Family: passerine birds that belong to the genus Corvidae which includes rooks, crows, ravens, jackdaws, magpies and jays. Depicted are 19 crows, three of them are chatting to a raven in the foreground!
Rod Stone "HMS Argonaut"
Rod’s amazing painting of the damaged cruiser HMS Argonaut was inspired by a wartime photograph of Angie Guy's. In December 1942 the Argonaut was hit by two torpedoes, launched from an Italian submarine that obliterated her bow and stern sections. Her rudder and two of her four propellers were completely destroyed. In Spring of 1943, Angie’s step father, Captain Henry Haynes RN was commissioned to bring the crippled cruiser across the Atlantic to Philadelphia for repairs. Unescorted, the Argonaut managed to avoid U-boat encounters and after 23 days at sea, she safely reached her destination. Of the cruiser's 512 ft it was necessary to rebuild 182 feet – 59 ft at the bow and 123 ft at the stern.