Jan White May 2018
Jan demonstrated her distinctive techniques for producing intimate compositions of sea shells, driftwood and other seashore objects. Beginning with a pencil sketch of her carefully created composition she applied a combination of light pen marks and watercolour to create her delightful illustration. She emphasised that initial composition and the pencil work takes the most time. Members took on the technique with gusto, producing some accomplished artwork to take home, and maybe exhibit??

Progress after an hour

The finished piece

Wendy Dominguez February 2018
Wendy demonstrated a panoply of approaches for applying acrylic paint to canvas to generate a vibrant and atmospheric landscape featuring birch trees at a forest's edge. Commencing with a yellow ochre primed canvas she applied swathes of different hues of blue with a palette knife to create a beautifully evocative sky. The land was created with palette knife, brush and kitchen towel. The trees were painted principally using canvas keys (wedges) for the trunks and a credit card for the branches. Wendy emphasised that anything goes when it come to applying acrylics. The result, accomplished in less than two hours, was the stunning image shown below right.

Progress after an hour